Please contact the Registrar at Copper Hills, Nicole Brunnemann, at 327-6378 or email
[email protected] for more information or to schedule an appointment to register. Thank you and welcome to Copper Hills!!!! We are happy to have you in our Miner Family!!!!
Parents/Guardians/Caregivers will need to bring the following to their resident school site during the school year or Student Services and School Attendance during summer months:
1. A birth certificate or other birth record, such as a baptismal certificate (must provide birth certificate within 30 days)
-Caregivers and Foster Parents will need to bring the Student Services and School Attendance disposition given to them at their appointment.
-Adoptive Parents that have not received a new birth certificate for their child need to bring the court order approving the adoption and, if applicable, the name change.
2. The enrolling Parents/Guardians/Caregivers will need a photo I.D. Only birth parents, legal guardians (with court orders), or caregivers approved by Student Services and School Attendance can enroll a child in school.
3. Any court orders or custody agreements that affect your child or your participation in the school community.
4. Proof of residency, such as: recent property tax payment receipt; current rental agreement/lease; recent rent receipts; recent PG&E bill; recent water, sewage or garbage bill; recent pay check stub; recent correspondence from a government agency; escrow papers that indicate a closing date with in 45 days;
-Proof of Residency must be in the name of the enrolling birth parent, legal guardian (per court order) or caregivers approved by Student Services and School Attendance. If it is not, then the third party, whose name is on the document, must present themselves at the school with the parent to sign a “Declaration of Residency” at the time of enrollment.
5. Written evidence of up-to-date immunizations for: Polio, MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), DTP (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis), Hepatitis B series (3 shots over a 6-month period) and Varicella (Chickenpox).
-Immunizations exemptions based on personal beliefs will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into kindergarten or transitional kindergarten in California.
-For your convenience, in cooperation with the State Department of Health Services and the Fresno County Health Services Agency, CUSD Sierra Vista Children’s Health Center offers immunizations for eligible children.