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Copper Hills Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC)

IDAC: Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council

The purpose of the page is for our staff and students at Copper Hills Elementary School to be able to illustrate the amazing things that are happening at our school!


What is IDAC?

Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC) draws members from parents to represent our school at district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings. The primary purpose of the Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), originally formed in 1988 as the Intercultural Advisory Council, is to assist in the formation and review of policies that assure non-discriminatory practices in all operational areas of the Clovis Unified School District. Its further mission is to assist in improving the cultural environment of the District.

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Dates

  • 8/27 IDAC 8 a.m. Location: Copper Hills MPR
  • 11/20 IDAC 5:30 p.m. Location: Copper Hills MPR
  • 5/1 IDAC 8 a.m. Location: Copper Hills MPR

Copper Hills School Culture

Copper Hills will continue to focus on our school culture to ensure all students are in an environment where they can be successful in Mind, Body & Spirit. We will offer opportunities for our staff, parents and students to provide input, receive culturally relevant information, staff development, team building and follow our Miner Code throughout the 2023-24 school year. We will intentionally provide opportunities for our students and staff to grow and learn from each other each and every day. 


Academically, we will provide instruction through our textbooks, additional curriculum, events and opportunities on a daily basis to learn from each other. We will create a safe environment, inside and outside of the classroom, that will allow our students to thrive. We want all of our students to be academically proficient but also want them to learn to be culturally proficient at each grade level. 


Socially, we will provide opportunities, events, and community events that will put us together as one site. We are truly Better Together! We will utilize our different clubs...ex MinerZ Club, PASA, etc... to facilitate discussions and guide training throughout the year. Our Multi-Cultural Events throughout the year, inside and outside the classroom, will provide our staff & students the opportunities to celebrate our differences.  


As our Miner Code says, Together we are Better and Take Care of One Another, will guide our community throughout the school year. 

Living by the Miner Code

Our students say and live this Miner Code on a daily basis. We do writing and art contests all based off of these beliefs. Our character awards are also tied into these traits. Our teachers praise our students and recognize them when they see these core values being done inside and out of the classroom. Lastly, we say this as a whole school at the conclusion of our daily announcements. We want our students to live this daily to be prepared for their future. 


We generated these 5 qualities from the Clovis North campus. When our students arrive as Broncos, our Miner Code translates into the Code of the North which is comprised of 10 beliefs, five of which they will already know from the Miner Code. We believe this will help our students make a smoother transition to the next level as well as create students that have outstanding character. 


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Click here to view The Miner Code.

School Culture Downloads

Copper Hills Staff Development

Copper Hills' provides our staff with opportunities to continually grow with their teaching practices. In the past, they have attended several trainings ranging from cultural relevancy, Kagan cooperative learning, and Visible Learning, which are all research based practices that help students grow academically and socially. In the 2023-24 school year, professional development will focus on implementation of PBIS, 2nd Step SEL curriculum, TWIG Science, and English Learner support. Our staff's mission to grow every child in Mind, Body & Spirit.

Visible Learning

Visible Learning means an enhanced role for teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. According to John Hattie Visible Learning and Teaching occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.

Two book covers for 'Visible Learning' by John Hattie, one for general readers and one for teachers.

A group of people speaking different languages, with speech bubbles showing greetings in various languages.

Cultural Relevancy

Cultural relavency helps us to understand other cultures and their practices with a focus on acceptance of differences.

Acceptance and Understanding of All Students

A classroom filled with wrapped gifts for a holiday gift drive.

Student Council

The Copper Hills student council meets regularly and has worked throughout the year to share the ideas of students with staff in order to improve the culture of the school. They have also worked in conjunction with administration to plan and coordinate a variety of events to encourage inclusion and promote positive inter-group relations. Our student council also helps to coordinate and run community service events throughout the year to promote giving back to our community and helping others (Giving Tree, Canned Food Drive, Kid’s Day, Saint Baldricks, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Etc.).


Canned Food Drive

Student Council and our PTC worked with Clovis Rotary to collect canned food for those in need. Our students brought in over 1800 cans of food this year!


Kid's Day

Student Council sold over $1200 in newspapers to raise money for Valley Children's Hospital!


Giving Tree

Our Student body partners with a Fresno Country school with needy children. We have sponsored over 250 students each year. The gifts provide each student with a warm winter outfit as well as a toy. These gifts are delivered wrapped to the school for the students to enjoy during their Holiday season.


Positivity Project


A green shield-shaped logo with a white cross and a white letter 'L' inside.Our school is participating in the Positivity Project, a school-wide initiative to help our students develop strong character qualities that will help them in school and in life.  Each week, classroom teachers and school staff will focus on a different character quality/trait and lead daily discussions and activities related to it.  We are excited about the opportunity to provide this valuable character education to our students.

Multicultural Education


Two young girls in hijabs sit at a table with a spread of food, including flatbread, vegetables, and a bowl of stew.Students had the opportunity to create videos explaining an important food, outfit, or tradition from their culture. They got to explain why the tradition was important and what it meant to them and their families. These videos were shown to our school community on our weekly announcement videos in class.